St. Joseph's School | Smithers BC

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers make significant contributions to our school in a variety of ways such as:

  • providing adult supervision in situations such as field trips
  • providing assistance to the teacher in the classroom with instructional materials
  • providing assistance to the teacher by marking objective assignments
  • assisting in the instruction of children by reading to children or listening to them read
  • joining and/or attending meetings for the Parent Support Group
  • joining and/or attending meetings for the School Council

Your contributions to our school are always welcome and greatly appreciated.

Volunteer Policy

The Catholic Independent School Board of Directors has implemented a policy that requires all volunteers who are in a ‘working with children situation’ to complete an application form which will give consent for the completion of a criminal record search.

This policy aims to ensure that children learn in a safe environment. If you feel you have time to volunteer in any of the above ways, you MUST complete an application form which can be picked up at the school office.

We also require any parents who will be driving students to give the office a Driver’s Abstract and this can be obtained from the Access Centre.